1,614 research outputs found

    Torsion functors with monomial support

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    The dependence of torsion functors on their supporting ideals is investigated, especially in the case of monomial ideals of certain subrings of polynomial algebras over not necessarily Noetherian rings. As an application it is shown how flatness of quasicoherent sheaves on toric schemes is related to graded local cohomology.Comment: updated reference

    Invariant Subspaces of Nilpotent Linear Operators. I

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    Let kk be a field. We consider triples (V,U,T)(V,U,T), where VV is a finite dimensional kk-space, UU a subspace of VV and T V→VT \:V \to V a linear operator with Tn=0T^n = 0 for some nn, and such that T(U)⊆UT(U) \subseteq U. Thus, TT is a nilpotent operator on VV, and UU is an invariant subspace with respect to TT. We will discuss the question whether it is possible to classify these triples. These triples (V,U,T)(V,U,T) are the objects of a category with the Krull-Remak-Schmidt property, thus it will be sufficient to deal with indecomposable triples. Obviously, the classification problem depends on nn, and it will turn out that the decisive case is n=6.n=6. For n<6n < 6, there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposables triples, whereas for n>6n > 6 we deal with what is called ``wild'' representation type, so no complete classification can be expected. For n=6n=6, we will exhibit a complete description of all the indecomposable triples.Comment: 55 pages, minor modification in (0.1.3), to appear in: Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathemati

    Algebraic methods in the theory of generalized Harish-Chandra modules

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    This paper is a review of results on generalized Harish-Chandra modules in the framework of cohomological induction. The main results, obtained during the last 10 years, concern the structure of the fundamental series of (g,k)−(\mathfrak{g},\mathfrak{k})-modules, where g\mathfrak{g} is a semisimple Lie algebra and k\mathfrak{k} is an arbitrary algebraic reductive in g\mathfrak{g} subalgebra. These results lead to a classification of simple (g,k)−(\mathfrak{g},\mathfrak{k})-modules of finite type with generic minimal k−\mathfrak{k}-types, which we state. We establish a new result about the Fernando-Kac subalgebra of a fundamental series module. In addition, we pay special attention to the case when k\mathfrak{k} is an eligible r−r-subalgebra (see the definition in section 4) in which we prove stronger versions of our main results. If k\mathfrak{k} is eligible, the fundamental series of (g,k)−(\mathfrak{g},\mathfrak{k})-modules yields a natural algebraic generalization of Harish-Chandra's discrete series modules.Comment: Keywords : generalized Harish-Chandra module, (g,k)-module of finite type, minimal k-type, Fernando-Kac subalgebra, eligible subalgebra; Pages no. : 13; Bibliography : 21 item

    Interval structure of the Pieri formula for Grothendieck polynomials

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    We give a combinatorial interpretation of a Pieri formula for double Grothendieck polynomials in terms of an interval of the Bruhat order. Another description had been given by Lenart and Postnikov in terms of chain enumerations. We use Lascoux's interpretation of a product of Grothendieck polynomials as a product of two kinds of generators of the 0-Hecke algebra, or sorting operators. In this way we obtain a direct proof of the result of Lenart and Postnikov and then prove that the set of permutations occuring in the result is actually an interval of the Bruhat order.Comment: 27 page

    The lambda-dimension of commutative arithmetic rings

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    It is shown that every commutative arithmetic ring RR has lambdalambda-dimension leq3 leq 3. An example of a commutative Kaplansky ring with lambda lambda-dimension 3 is given. If RR satisfies an additional condition then lambda lambda-dim(RR

    Pointed Hopf Algebras with classical Weyl Groups

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    We prove that Nichols algebras of irreducible Yetter-Drinfeld modules over classical Weyl groups Aâ‹ŠSnA \rtimes \mathbb S_n supported by Sn\mathbb S_n are infinite dimensional, except in three cases. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for Nichols algebras of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over classical Weyl groups Aâ‹ŠSnA \rtimes \mathbb S_n supported by AA to be finite dimensional.Comment: Combined with arXiv:0902.4748 plus substantial changes. To appear International Journal of Mathematic

    SS-duality in Vafa-Witten theory for non-simply laced gauge groups

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    Vafa-Witten theory is a twisted N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory whose partition functions are the generating functions of the Euler number of instanton moduli spaces. In this paper, we recall quantum gauge theory with discrete electric and magnetic fluxes and review the main results of Vafa-Witten theory when the gauge group is simply laced. Based on the transformations of theta functions and their appearance in the blow-up formulae, we propose explicit transformations of the partition functions under the Hecke group when the gauge group is non-simply laced. We provide various evidences and consistency checks.Comment: 14 page

    Computing the Rank Profile Matrix

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    The row (resp. column) rank profile of a matrix describes the staircase shape of its row (resp. column) echelon form. In an ISSAC'13 paper, we proposed a recursive Gaussian elimination that can compute simultaneously the row and column rank profiles of a matrix as well as those of all of its leading sub-matrices, in the same time as state of the art Gaussian elimination algorithms. Here we first study the conditions making a Gaus-sian elimination algorithm reveal this information. Therefore, we propose the definition of a new matrix invariant, the rank profile matrix, summarizing all information on the row and column rank profiles of all the leading sub-matrices. We also explore the conditions for a Gaussian elimination algorithm to compute all or part of this invariant, through the corresponding PLUQ decomposition. As a consequence, we show that the classical iterative CUP decomposition algorithm can actually be adapted to compute the rank profile matrix. Used, in a Crout variant, as a base-case to our ISSAC'13 implementation, it delivers a significant improvement in efficiency. Second, the row (resp. column) echelon form of a matrix are usually computed via different dedicated triangular decompositions. We show here that, from some PLUQ decompositions, it is possible to recover the row and column echelon forms of a matrix and of any of its leading sub-matrices thanks to an elementary post-processing algorithm

    A coproduct structure on the formal affine Demazure algebra

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    In the present paper we generalize the coproduct structure on nil Hecke rings introduced and studied by Kostant-Kumar to the context of an arbitrary algebraic oriented cohomology theory and its associated formal group law. We then construct an algebraic model of the T-equivariant oriented cohomology of the variety of complete flags.Comment: 28 pages; minor revision of the previous versio

    Classification of finite dimensional uniserial representations of conformal Galilei algebras

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    With the aid of the 6j6j-symbol, we classify all uniserial modules of sl(2)⋉hn\mathfrak{sl}(2)\ltimes \mathfrak{h}_{n}, where hn\mathfrak{h}_{n} is the Heisenberg Lie algebra of dimension 2n+12n+1.Comment: Some references added, introduction expanded, title change
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